Current negotiating session
Share price | 10-10-2024 |
Time of last update | 17:01:37 EU/Paris |
Best Bid/Ask | 33.9 € |
Open Max Min |
17.45 33.9 8.0 |
Previous close | 17.45 |
Volume | 1593338.0 |
Previous negotiating session
Share price | 09-10-2024 |
Time of last update | 17:35:29 EU/Paris |
Best Bid/Ask | 17.65 € |
Open Max Min |
17.6 17.65 17.1 |
Previous close | 17.6 |
Volume | 2089.0 |
Invest in sectors of the future
The aeronautics/defence sector is one of 3 priority sectors for share investment. The civil aeronautics market is very active and our order book for military work is also progressing well. This phase of strong growth has been confirmed by specialists in the field. Innovation is of prime importance when investing in sectors of the future.
SOGECLAIR SA is one of the leading players in this field and its leadership is widely recognised. The innovativeness of the group is sought out by companies from around the world. Investment in the SOGECLAIR group means playing a part in the development of new technologies and gaining an excellent return on investment.
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